Presentation of the Freedom of the City of Glasgow to the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, in the City Hall, 1865. The hall was, of course, filled with spectators in every part...At two oclock Mr. Gladstone [Chancellor of the Exchequer and future Prime Minister], accompanied by the Lord Provost, appeared on the platform, and was received with loud and continuous cheering. The Lord Provost, in presenting the freedom of the city to the right hon. gentleman, referred to the distinguished services which Mr. Gladstone had rendered to the country, and the important changes which he had effected in our financial system for the relief of our home trade and manufactures. An address having been read by the Town Clerk, the freedom of the city, inclosed in a massive gold box...was presented by the Lord Provost to the right hon. gentleman, who, on receiving it, warmly shook hands with the chief magistrate, and then turned to address the meeting, by whom he was received with loud and long-continued cheering. The audience rose to greet him, and for some moments there was a complete ovation, the ladies in the gallery waving their handkerchiefs, and the gentlemen their hats. Silence having at length been restored, Mr. Gladstone delivered his speech. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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