The National Rifle Association prize meeting at Wimbledon: Mr. Sharman, 4th West York Rifle Volunteers, winner of the Queens Prize, 1865. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. Herbert Watkins. ...the honour, great as it is, of winning the Queens prize, could not have fallen into worthier hands. A volunteer, we understand, from the beginning, Mr. Sharman, a private in the 4th West York (or Halifax) Rifle Volunteers, has shot steadily for the last six years, and, though more fortunate in his own county, has never yet succeeded in winning any prize at Wimbledon. This year, however, he has amply repaid himself for his previous disappointments, having tied for the first prize in the first stage of the Albert, as well as having carried off the Queens prize. He made only 15 points at the 800 yards range, where he was beaten by a dozen others; but at the 900 yards he made 25, and at the 1000 yards he made 24 points, giving a total of 64. Three times in succession he hit the bulls-eye, and he hit it once again, besides making two centres. From "Illustrated London News", 1865..

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