The late Earl Canning, 1862. Engraving from a photograph. Charles John Canning held the positions of Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests, Postmaster-General, with a seat in the Cabinet. In 1855 ...the East India Company named him Governor-General of India...The outbreak of the horrible sepoy mutiny found the new Governor-General quite equal to the emergency...Lord Canning on the instant adopted the most stringent and most wise and, at the same time, the most humane measures to suppress the rebellion...the policy of the Governor-General was, under Gods favour, pre-eminently successful...the Earl of Derby in the Lords, and Lord Stanley in the Commons, moved and carried votes of thanks to Lord Canning for the eminent skill, courage, and perseverance displayed by him during the military operations by which the insurrection in India was effectually suppressed. The Governor-General was made Earl Canning...[in] 1859... By the change in the constitution of our East Indian rule, Earl Canning had become...Viceroy of India [in 1858]...He was appointed first Grand Master of the Order of the Star of India..., named Ranger of Greenwich Park; and...created a Knight of the Garter. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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