Chapel Of The High Altar In The Cathedral Of Toledo, by S. Read, in the Exhibition of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1864. Engraving of a painting. The view in...the sombre and impressive interior of the great taken from within the immense grille which divides the choir from the transept...Here, as in every other part of the cathedral, objects are only seen through a "dim religious light," such is the massive character of the architecture and the quantity of stained glass...only a few women hooded in their mantillas, with a still smaller number of men trailing their ponchos, and an occasional mendicant monk, assemble to the service from the great choral books before the high altar. We have only to add that Mr. Reads drawing is distinguished by the same excellent qualities as his large work of last year, while the tone is more aerial and suggestive of space. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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