Grand fancy bazaar at Orleans House, Twickenham, in aid of the French Soci?t? de Bienfaisance, 1864. This society was formed in 1812...for the purpose of affording relief to unfortunate Frenchmen in London, without distinction of religious faith or political opinion...The existing president of the society is the Duke dAumale [owner of Orleans House]. The society allows weekly payments in money, clothing, and food, and grants passage-money to those French subjects who are desirous of returning to their country; it also advances money to those who wish to exercise their profession or trade in England. The society has already distributed more than ?12,000 sterling...The stalls were held by her Royal Highness the Duchess of Chartres, her Royal Highness the Duchess dAumale, the Duchess of St. Albans, the Marchioness of Ely, the Countess of Tankerville, the Countess of Waldegrave, and Lady Proby. An elegant marquee had been erected on the lawn in front of the house, with tricolour oriflammes, which also lined the road up to the grounds. The chief attraction was the stall of the Duchess dAumale, where the venerable Queen Amelie remained for some time. The weather was pleasant, and a numerous concourse of visitors enjoyed this lively scene. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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