Turning the first turf of the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, 1864. The line ...will go from the capital city to Chascomus, a length of seventy-five miles...Its construction has been intrusted to Messrs. Peto and Betts...The ground upon which the "first sod" of the new railway was turned is that which will be the site of the city station. A numerous and brilliant assembly was there at the hour of noon. President Mitre, with Senor Saavedra, Governor of the province; Dr. Rawson, Prime Minister...the British Minister, and the other foreign diplomatists...After a brief address from Mr. Parish [the British Consul], the engineer of the company, Mr. Rumball delivered the spade to President Mitre and the wheelbarrow to Governor Saavedra. They took these implements in hand, and proceeded to "turn the first sod" of the railway, the President remarking that he had more pride and pleasure in doing so than in leading an army to win glory on the blood-stained field. The earth being deposited in the wheelbarrow, Governor Saavedra, accompanied by President Mitre, rolled it to the end of the platform...a sumptuous banquet had been spread in the neighbouring pavilion, where a company of 450 gentlemen sat down. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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