The War in Denmark from a sketch by our special artist with the allied German armies: the Rolf Krake, Danish iron-plated gun-boat, in the Venning Bund, engaging the Prussians before D?ppel, 1864. View of the ...Rolf Krake, as she anchored in the creek or inlet of the Venning Bund, and opened fire upon the Prussians when they were attempting to storm the redoubts of D?ppel...The Danish gun-boat is seen lying with her prow towards the mouth of the inlet, ready to slip her anchor and run out into the open sea, if the fire from the Broagerland batteries should become too hot for her...the Rolf Krake was fired at during an hour and a half by three different batteries, containing altogether fifteen or sixteen guns, most of them 24-pounder rifled guns. Although the Rolf Krake was hit about a hundred and fifty times by shot, shell, and shrapnel, besides an Immense number of rifle bullets; and although her rigging, bulwarks, funnel, and boats were a great deal cut up, yet, after the action, the hull, machinery, turrets, and guns were in perfect fighting order; and only three men had been slightly wounded...This is the only European iron-clad vessel that has been tested in actual warfare. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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