The movers and seconders of the addresses in both Houses of Parliament: Mr. G?schen, Member for the City, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by John and Charles Watkins. George Joachim G?schen, Esq...was elected one of the representatives of the city of London in Parliament. If we recollect rightly, he made but two speeches last year; but they were sufficient to distinguish him as an easy and fluent speaker, and an advanced and somewhat philosophical politician. No one was surprised when, as a representative of the commercial interests of the country - in which he is largely interested - and as holding a high position in the mercantile community of the metropolis, he was selected to second the Address...Mr. G?schen is a merchant in London, one of the firm of Fr?hling and G?schen...In his political opinions he is to be classed, generally, as a Liberal, and is an advocate of a gradual extension of the suffrage, of the ballot, and of the abolition of church rates. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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