St. Marys National Schools and new drinking-fountain at Chatham, [in Kent], 1864. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. R. Taylor. The ...public drinking-fountain...[was] designed to serve as a memorial to the late lamented Prince Consort as well as to answer an end of great public utility...These schools, intended for the population attached to the mother church of Chatham...were erected in the year 1860...The buildings, which embrace three schoolrooms, a classroom, and house of residence adjoining for the teachers, and afford accommodation for about 300 children, cost about ?2400 - this sum including the fencing of the ground and all incidental expenses. The contractor was Mr. Wilkins, of Chatham. The school and drinking-fountain were designed by Mr. G. E. Street. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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