Old schoolroom of Harrow, illustration. The date of this schoolroom illustration is not defined, but the interior is similar to the original classroom that dates back to 1615 and is known as 'Fourth Form Room' and remains to this day as part of Old Schools . Harrow School was founded by John Lyon. It has been said that the principle inhabitants of the village of Harrow were farmers and well-to-do yeomen, with Lyon 'the most thrifty and successful'. In 1571, he established a free grammar school for the education of 30 poor village children. He was granted a Royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth 1 From 1611, 'Foreigners', that is children from other parishes who paid for their education, were allowed in, and the school prospered. In 1825 there were 17 free scholars and 219 foreigners. The 'foreigners' included four prime ministers educated in the 19th century; Peel, Palmerston, Baldwin and Churchill

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