The Right Hon. W. A. Rose, the new Lord Mayor, 1862. Engraving from a photograph by the London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company. Mr. Alderman probably the youngest man who has reached the civic chair. Born in 1820, he is only forty- two. He is of Scotch descent...[and is] a self- made man, having attained his present position by his own unaided exertions - by industry, perseverance, and energy. Very early in life he commenced business on his own account in the ward where he is now Alderman, and on a portion of the site of his present warehouses, of which he is now the freeholder...The Lord Mayor has been mainly instrumental in establishing the London Rifle Brigade, of which he is the senior Major. The preliminary meeting of the supporters of the volunteer movement in the City was held in his ward, and he has ever been unremitting in his attention to his military duties. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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