The International Exhibition: Axminster carpet by Lapworth Brothers, 1862. The carpet is not Indian, yet it is Indian in character...It is simple, yet not of impoverished appearance; is of a geometrical character, yet has not rigid geometrical forms, but shapes made out by ornamental or foliaceous parts; and in the border, as well as the centre, we have a small ornamental composition repeated upon a plan made manifest by the starlike ornaments...This carpet, which is a real Axminster, is of deep interest in showing the manner in which the art of the Indians may be successfully applied to our own manufactures, and leads us to see that a consideration of the beautiful works of this people is not useless, but is calculated to administer to our wants; and we shall do well to strive to cultivate a spirit of appreciation for the works of nations which - however humiliating it may be to say it - are much further advanced in a knowledge of ornamental art than we ourselves are, for by so doing we shall administer to our own advancement. Messrs. Lapworth have long been known as students of the magnificent carpets of India, and now we find them giving back to the world the knowledge which they have derived from the consideration of such works. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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