The annual regatta of the Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club, recently held at Glasgow, 1862. This regatta - the "Scottish Henley" - which came off at Glasgow, on Thursday and Friday, the 11th and 12th instant, under the most auspicious circumstances, proved one of the most successful aquatic gatherings of the season, the magnificent prizes having attracted several of our most distinguished clubs who were represented on the occasion. The arrangements were complete, and afforded satisfaction to both competitors and spectators. The following was the result of the racing: The Champion Cup, with presentation prizes, 100 guineas, was borne off by The Cronies, of the Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club; the Clydesdale Cup, with presentation cup, 100 guineas, was won by Princess Alice, of the Royal Chester Amateur Rowing Club; the MFarlane medals fell to Ancient Clydesdale and Tyne; the Corporation Plate was won by the Undine, of Greenock ; the club medals by the Young Clydesdales; the Rifle Cup, with presentation prizes, 50 guineas, by the Tyne; the Gold Medal, a scullers race, by Lochinvar; the Daglish Cup, ?30 - a race for professionals - by the A. P. Lonsdale, of Newcastle. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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