Wedding presents to Her Royal Highness Princess Alice: jewelled fan, the gift of the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, 1862. ...a magnificent jewelled fan in gold, on one side the rose of England carved from a large ruby, with emerald leaves, surrounded with large pearls, and relieved with lilac enamel, having her Royal Highnesss monogram of A. M. M., the initials of Alice Maud Mary, in diamonds, rubies, and emeralds blended. The reverse side is somewhat similar in design, but having orange-blossoms and buds composed of large pearls, with leaves of cut emeralds, and the monogram as before, but in Gothic letters. The loop of the fan is formed by the letters D. S., his Highnesss Oriental monogram, from which is suspended a gold chain with two large emeralds for tassels, and a number of pearls placed at intervals between the links. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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