The International Exhibition: range of boilers for supplying steam to machinery in the Western Annexe, 1862. ...each boiler is 6ft. 6in. in diameter, and 35ft. in length; they are circular, with double flues running through them...[they] have been constructed and set up by Messrs. Hicks and Son...two of them are fitted with Clarks patent apparatus for supplying air and steam to the furnaces, an arrangement that is thought highly advantageous. They are...supplied with all the necessary fittings, such as steam-pressure indicator, gauges, &c., as well as Bodmers patent safety- valves. Running the steam-chest from which the supply will be conveyed to the machinery. For this purpose two large mains have been laid through the building, under the principal passages. From these pipes the different engines will take steam by separate connections with them. Beside these steam supply-pipes are laid the exhaust-pipes, through which the waste steam will be carried outside the building...The boilers will maintain steam at a pressure of 70lb. to the square inch. Considering the distance it has to be conveyed and the number of engines drawing it off, it will, of course, become of much lower pressure when used in the building. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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