Honorary truncheon for H.M. 2nd Goorkah or Sirmoor Rifles, 1862. ..."Honorary Truncheon" which is about to be sent out to India for presentation to her Majestys 2nd Goorkah Rifles, for their services to the State during the siege of Delhi in 1857. The truncheon, designed by Colonel Charles Reid, C.B. and A.D.C. to the Queen, and manufactured by Messrs. Hunt and Roskell, is composed of Indian ornaments, and the staff is so arranged as to divide into four pieces. On the summit is an Indian minaret, surrounding which stand three figures representing privates supporting the Imperial crown of Great Britain, Surrounding the rim on which these figures stand is the inscription: "Main Picquet, Hindoo Raos House, Delhi, 1857," and in the minaret hang two crossed "kookeries," the national Goorkah weapon...The truncheon will always serve as a rallying-point, and will be carried in the centre of the regiment by a Goorkah officer especially appointed by Government; in fact, the truncheon will take the place of an "honorary color" which was at first given by the Government, but, at the suggestion of Colonel Reid, a truncheon was substituted as being more appropriate to a rifle regiment. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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