Receiving goods at the International Exhibition Building, [South Kensington, London], 1862. Our Illustration represents a section of the busy scenes within the building of the International Exhibition which is presented by the reception of goods. The flow of packing-cases has hitherto been constant, and it has in the past week become rapid, and will of course soon become multitudinous as exhibitors begin to realise the fact that the 31st of this month [March] is the last day on which goods can be received. The principal and most numerous packages are still from the colonies and from abroad. Two enormously bulky packages have come from Prussia, one of which, it is stated, contains a wooden hut from a particular manufactory of such structures in the Rhenish provinces. From the inscription on the huge case which occupies the right foreground of our Illustration, as well as on that which is being removed from a cart on the left side, it will be seen that the goods delineated as in progress of reception are from Prussia. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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