The steam-transport Adriatic in the ice at Sidney [sic], Cape Breton, 1862. The state of the weather on the coast of the country to which our Canadian reinforcements have been dispatched will be well understood from the situation of the vessel in our Engraving..., drawn from a sketch kindly forwarded to us by Lieut. Griffiths, of the 63rd Regiment. The Adriatic was formerly one of the Collins line of Atlantic Mail Steam-ships, and for size, build, and speed, is one of the noblest specimens of naval architecture afloat, being upwards of 8000 tons burden, with a nominal power of 1000 horses. She was built in the United States, and is comparatively a new vessel. On the threatened rupture between this country and the Federal Government of America (in connection with the Trent affair) she was chartered by our Government for the conveyance of troops to Canada, and sailed from Southampton for Halifax on the 20th of last December, having on board the first battalion of the Grenadier Guards, 820 strong, 460 men of the Military Train, and 40 officers of the Commissariat Department. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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