Movers and Seconders of the addresses in both Houses of Parliament in answer to the Queens Speech: Lord Dufferin, 1862. Engraving from a photograph by ...John and Charles Watkins, of Parliament-street. Frederick Temple Blackwood, fourth Baron Dufferin, in the peerage of Ireland, and Baron Clandeboye, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, by which last title he holds his seat in the House of Lords, is the only son of the third Baron, by the eldest daughter of the late Thomas Sheridan, Esq., granddaughter of the famous Richard Brinsley Sheridan...He completed his education at Christ Church, Oxford; was a Lord in Waiting to the Queen during Lord J. Russells Administration...Not long since his Lordship attained some literary celebrity from the publication of a journal of a yacht voyage far into the Arctic regions, under the title of "Letters from High Latitudes"; and, owing to his having as a traveller acquired considerable knowledge of the people and the country of Syria, he was last year selected by the Government to act as Commissioner for England to inquire into the state of Syria after the massacre which took place arising out of the disputes between the Druses and the Maronites. His Lordship is unmarried. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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