Testimonials presented to the Right Hon. Thomas Milner Gibson, M.P., by the Association for the Abolition of the Taxes on Knowledge, 1862. Mr. Milner Gibsons distinguished services in connection with the great and now happily successful movement for the repeal of the taxes on knowledge were celebrated on Tuesday week by a public breakfast and the presentation of a splendid testimonial...[it] consists of a handsome centrepiece, after a design by Flaxman, and two large and graceful seven-light candelabra, after a design suggested by the late Sir C. Barry. The centrepiece and candelabra are of silver gilt. Upon the centrepiece is engraved the following inscription "Presented to the Right Hon. Thomas Milner Gibson, M.P., by the members and friends of the Association for the Repeal of the Taxes on Knowledge as a commemorative testimonial of his important services during twelve years as their president. Advertisement duty repealed, Aug. 4, 1853; compulsory stamp on newspapers repealed, June 29, 1855; paper duty repealed, Oct. 1, 1861". From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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