Gods Providence House, Watergate-street, Chester, 1862. Nooks and Corners of Old England. The old house is, or was, considered one of the lions of the city, but, as this is an age of progress and improvement, it is now in course of being taken down to make room for more commodious premises. The period of its erection is not known; but the year 1652, the date which is carved on one of the front beams, is no doubt the time when the pious and appropriate inscription, "Gods Providence is mine inheritance," was also carved on the lower beam; at which time it is very likely the house was put into good repair. This motto is said to have been inscribed by the occupier as a grateful memorial after escaping the plague, which had about that time visited almost every other dwelling in the city...In a few days this remarkable and interesting memento of those troublesome times will be destroyed. It...has been invariably visited by the numerous sightseers who pay a visit to Chester. The old house, which is built of wood and plaster, was until within the last few weeks in pretty good order, but it has recently been sold to an enterprising tradesman, who, to the regret of the good people of Chester, is now razing it to the ground. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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