Eildon Manor: Wilfred and the Keepers discovering Burton in a snowdrift, 1862. We are sorry that we are unacquainted with the name of the author of "The Maze of Life," as we are unable specially to congratulate her on the successful achievement of a tale for girls which she has wrought out in her "Eildon Manor: A Tale for Girls" the scene of which is laid in one of the most romantic parts of England - one of those fine Yorkshire dales which still shelter the last relics in speech, mind, and manners of those days when railways were not and educational theories were undreamt of, and the characteristics of which are well developed and preserved in this volume. The illustration from which our Engraving is taken...exhibits one of those scenes which are not by any means infrequent during the winter. The text well describes the efforts of the young hero of the tale to rescue a shepherd in a perilous situation on a place called the Broom Scaur. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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