Revolt of the Sea Beggars. From 1566 onwards, the inhabitants of the Netherlands who opposed the Spanish administration of Philip II are known as Geuzen. Cruelties against Catholics committed by Dutch Geuzen. Jean-Jerome von Edam and other Catholics in the town of Hoorn are tortured. Those who survive the first torments are tied up and laid on their backs, with a large cauldron placed on their bare bellies, upside down, with live dormice inside. The fire lit in the cauldrons enraged the dormice who, to save themselves, gnawed the stomachs and rummaged in the entrails of the tortured. On the left of the image, Sister Ursule Talese drowned in a river in Haarlem, and her sister killed with a rock. 19th-century facsimile after an engraving in "Theatrum Crudelitatum Haereticorum Nostri Temporis", Antwerp, 1587. "La Vie Militaire et Religieuse au Moyen Age et a lEpoque de la Renaissance" by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1877.

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