Mdme. Guerrabella, of the Royal English Opera, Covent Garden, 1861. Ginevra Guerrabella is by birth an American, of English descent, but was taken to Italy when a year old where she has received her musical education. She began the pianoforte at five years of age, and at thirteen was a fine performer. At this time she became acquainted in Germany with Mdme. Sontag. That great artist took a warm interest in the child, and gave her instruction, and, when the young Ginevra returned to Italy, furnished her with an introduction to Rossini, who procured a master for her, and superintended her progress, he also being much interested by her love of and talent for music...Our musical readers are already aware that she made a brilliant debut in this country last season at one of the concerts of the Philharmonic Society, and that she is at present engaged at...Covent-garden, where she has appeared in Macfarrens "Robin Hood" and Wallaces "Maritana" with complete success. And we may now add that she has appeared with not less success as an oratorio-singer, having sung the soprano part in the Sacred Harmonic Societys performance of "The Messiah" at Exeter Hall...when she was received by a crowded audience with the warmest applause. From "Illustrated London News", 1861.

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