Robin Hood and the Curtal Friar, from "The Boys Book of Ballads", 1860. Of the romantic characteristics of John Gilberts illustrations it is of course unnecessary to say a word, except that we think we see particular marks of care and finish in the details of each picture. We engrave a very spirited specimen of the illustrations, one which pertains to the ballad of "Robin Hood and the Curtal Friar," and the gist of which is to be found in the following lines: "The friar took Robin Hood on his back, Deep water he did bestride, And spake neither good word nor bad Till he came to the other side. Lightly leapd Robin off the friars back; The friar said to him again, "Carry me over the water, fine fellow, Or it shall breed thee pain". Illustration from "The Boys Book of Ballads. Illustrated with Sixteen Engravings from Drawings" by John Gilbert, (Bell and Daldy). Published in "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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