Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, President Elect of the United States - from a lithograph published by G.W. Nichols, New York, 1860. ...he passed only six or eight months at school. He was in succession a farm- labourer, a woodcutter, and a boatman on the Wabash and the Mississippi...he studied law, and, having become an advocate, practised with great success at the bar of Springfield...In 1846 he was elected to Congress...He was a strong Abolitionist, and repeatedly expressed his sentiments on the subject of slavery...Mr. Lincoln stands six feet four inches high in his stockings. His frame is not muscular, but gaunt and wiry...In manner he is remarkably cordial, and at the same time simple. His politeness is always sincere, but never elaborate and oppressive. A warm shake of the hand and a warmer smile of recognition are his methods of greeting his friends...His head sits well on his shoulders...It is very large, and, phrenologically, well proportioned, betokening power in all its developments. A slightly Roman nose, a wide-cut mouth, and a large complexion, with the appearance of having been weatherbeaten, complete the description. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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