Farewell visit of Garibaldi to Admiral Mundy on board the "Hannibal" at Naples, 1860. The Liberator of the Two Sicilies left Naples for his island home, Caprera, on the morning of the 9th November...Those who left Naples with him are Basso, his private secretary; Staguetti, Frascianti, Cosmaroli, and another person, who is charged with getting provisions for Caprera. About six oclock, as the Washington steamed out, Garibaldi went to pay his last visit, and the last visit he paid to any one, to Admiral Mundy, for whom the hero expresses the highest respect and affection. With him he remained about a quarter of an hour, and invited him to visit the bay [ie bed] where Nelson lay. "You shall see my cows," said this truly great man, "and drink fresh milk." During the interview he said not a word of himself, of his regrets and mortifications, but he spoke of Italy, and said that her prospects were good, and so he left Naples. And England may well be proud that the last visit of this pure, high-minded man was paid to a British Admiral. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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