Fete at Denham Court, near Uxbridge, 1860. Nathaniel Grace Lambert, Esq placed his mansion and grounds at the disposal of the committees of the Odd Fellows and Foresters Clubs, for an entertainment for the benefit of their Widow and Orphan Funds. A "triumphant car," with flags and banners, carried some of the orphans on whose behalf the fete was held....the guests, numbered by thousands, dispersed quickly to enjoy the numerous entertainments provided and the sylvan beauties of Denham Court. The programme included a steeplechase through the river, a foot and hurdle race, cricket matches, archery, and dances al fresco. Platforms were erected where Mr. and Mrs. S. Collins and other performers gave their several entertainments. Donkey-racing and Punch and Judy attended for the delectation of the children, some of them of rather an advanced age...And we are glad to hear that the sale of tickets was very much larger than had been anticipated. An avenue of limes half a mile in length leads up to the house, said to be the finest lime avenue in England...The River Colne, here very broad, clear, and rapid, crosses the park close to the house.From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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