The Prince of Wales in Canada - His Royal Highness escorted to Montreal by a fleet of lake and up-river steamers, 1860. The future King Edward VII visits North America. It rained very heavily all the night and on the morning of the 25th until half-past nine oclock, the hour fixed for the Princes landing; but just at that time the rain ceased and the sun shone out. Notwithstanding the condition of the streets, which were perfect pools of mud, immense crowds were assembled on the quays and steam-boats, while the whole of the windows from which a view of the landing could be had were black with human heads. Punctual to the hour, the Princes boat, the Kingston, with the Prince and his suite conspicuous on deck, approached, and was saluted as it passed by the batteries on St. Helens Island, while as it neared the wharf the crews of the men-of-war in port, the Valorous, Styx, and Flying-fish, manned the yards. Repeated cheers from the multitude on shore were heard, and the city bells commenced to ring. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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