Mr. James Hodges, the builder of the Victoria Bridge over the St. Lawrence, 1860. Portrait of ...the gentleman who superintended the construction of this the greatest engineering work of the age. The antecedents of Mr. Hodges constitute him another striking illustration of "self-help." To his own indomitable perseverance alone, coupled with the strictest integrity of character and honourable conduct, does he owe his present high position in the engineering world - a position which did not fail to attract the notice of his future King on the occasion of the laying of the last stone of the Victoria Bridge by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on the 20th of last month. Of the many claimants that have sprung up, both here and in Canada, for the honour of being the originator or designer of the Victoria Bridge, it is not now our intention to speak; but we are at the present time about to introduce a name in connection with this stupendous structure which well deserves the record we here give it...From the hour in which the first cofferdam was laid until the last rivet was driven which completed the Victoria Bridge, as it now stands the presiding genius was Mr. Hodges, as the engineer of the contractors, Messrs. Peto, Brassey, and Betts. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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