Review of the Worcester Volunteers in Stoneleigh Park, [Warwickshire], 1860. This event came off on Monday, July 30. The magnificent park of Stoneleigh was thrown open for the occasion. The proceedings of the day were brought to a close by an address from his Lordship to the battalion. He expressed the gratification that it had afforded to Lady Leigh to have the honour of presenting the first prize for successful rifle competition to the 2nd Warwickshire Volunteers; and, having congratulated the corps on the efficient manner in which they had acquitted themselves, on the occasion, he said...that, in his opinion the Warwickshire Volunteers were a credit to the country, and stood second to none in the provinces. He hoped that this would not be the last occasion on which a volunteer force would gather in the old park of Stoneleigh Abbey, and he looked forward to seeing on a future occasion both battalions joined in a review there. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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