Review of Her Majestys Troops and Volunteers at Cape Town by Prince Alfred - from a sketch by T. W. Bowler, 1860. Queen Victorias son makes an official visit to the Cape Colony. Cape Corps.; H.M. 59th Regiment; Volunteer Cavalry; Sappers; Volunteer Rifles...on the racecourse at Green Point...commanded by his Excellency Lieut.-General Wynyard...The troops having marched past in slow and quick time, and the cavalry and artillery having passed at a canter, the General commanding proceeded to carry out the plan of a sham-fight previously arranged...a terrific combat ensued. Inch by inch and foot by foot the ground was contested, but the steady column pressed on, the rifles skirmishing in front and the guns pounding on the flanks, while...the cavalry, their sabres glittering high above the dust, charged headlong on the foe. Anon firing was heard on the right, and across the lake was seen the other column advancing. Another tremendous effort, one more charge, and...the enemy was driven back in confusion to the bay - there was a wild cheer and a rush, and our troops were victorious...His Royal Highness expressed himself highly pleased with the whole affair, and complimented the commanding officers on the efficient appearance of their men. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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