The Grand Canal in Venice from Palazzo Flangini to Campo San Marcuola, c. 1740, Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal), Italian, (Venice), 1697¡V1768, 24 1/8 x 36 3/8 in. (61.28 x 92.39 cm) (canvas)32 ¡Ñ 44 1/2 ¡Ñ 2 1/8 in. (81.28 ¡Ñ 113.03 ¡Ñ 5.4 cm) (outer frame), Oil on canvas, Italy, 18th century, Canaletto¡¦s hometown of Venice was his lifelong muse. He made at least three versions of this view of the Grand Canal. Fastidiously recording every window, door, and chimney along the thoroughfare, Canaletto captured the special qualities of this miraculous city on water¡Xthe stately architecture, the shimmering light, and, in the scattered figures and gondolas, the routine of daily life. The near photographic precision of his paintings made them especially popular with tourists, who bought them as mementos of their travels to Italy. Today, you can see this vista (approximately) from the train station.

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