Prince Charles Edward book by Andrew Lang. Printed in 1900 only 1,500 copies printed. This image is from copy number 220. The plates were engraved by Manzi Joyant & Co at Asnieres-sur-Seine, near Paris. The Monument to the Royal Stuarts is a memorial in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City State, the papal enclave surrounded by Rome, Italy. It commemorates the last three members of the Royal House of Stuart: James Francis Edward Stuart, his elder son Charles Edward Stuart, and his younger son, Henry Benedict Stuart. The Jacobites recognised these three princes as kings of England, Scotland and Ireland. The marble monument is by Antonio Canova, the most celebrated Italian sculptor of his day. It is in the form of a truncated obelisk. It carries bas relief profile portraits of the three exiled princes, and the following inscription: (To James III, son of King James II of Great Britain, to Charles Edward and to Henry, Dean of the Cardinal Fathers, sons of James III, the last of the Royal House of Stuart. 1819). Monument to exiled Stuarts JamesIII,CharlesIII and Henry IX.

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