NASA scientists with a model of a Pegasus satellite, 1964. At left is Ann R. McNair, with Mary Jo Smith at right. McNair studied physics and mathematics, arriving at Redstone Arsenal in 1958. She worked as a mathematician with the Army Ballistic Missile Agency. She was deputy manager of the Orbital Analysis Branch, developing flight trajectory studies and determining how long satellites might remain in orbit. She published papers on the lifetime of satellites and tracking for lunar missions. From 1965 to 1967, she was a group chief within the Information Systems Office, supporting the planning and execution of all Apollo flights. Smith studied physics and worked on the Pegasus meteoroid detection satellites that the Marshall Space Flight Center launched aboard a Saturn I rocket in the early 1960s. During the Skylab program, Smith was manager of the Ultra-Violet Panorama Experiment (S183). Photographed on 14 July 1964.

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