The tomb of Johann Martin von Wagner; archaeologist and artist (1858).- The Teutonic Cemetery (cimeti弐e teutonique; Campo Santo Teutonico; cimitero Teutonico; deutsche Friedhof ) is a burial site between St. Peter's Basilica and the Paul VI Audience Hall. The cemetery was founded around 799; when Pope Leo IV presented the land to Charlemagne for a school. It is known as the Teutonic Cemetery the only cemetery inside the Vatican City State; reserved to Teutons and Flemish who lived in Rome.蔍n the Teutonic Cemetery are buried Romans originating from Austria; Sudtirol; German Switzerland; Lichtenstein; German speaking Belgian; Flemish and Dutch. Given its special location; the Teutonic Cemetery has always received many requests for burial. According to the statutes; those who have a right to be buried here include members of the Archconfraternity; members of many religious houses of German origin and members of the two German colleges in Rome (the Anima and the Germanico). Vatican. (2015)

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