grave stele (farewell); donation of G. L. Gaiser; Marble; chiseled; smoothed; Marble; Total: Height: 61 cm; Width: 27.5 cm; Grave equipment; Tomb monument; Three-dimensional sculptures; Sculptures; Reliefs; Mourning; Woman; Child; Gable; Greetings; Meeting; Farewell; Rich style; Greek antiquity; The stela is straight cut at the sides and not smoothed; below only irregularly hewn. Above it the picture field is worked out deepened and is limited above by a protruding gable with three acroteres only hinted at in the outlines. In the field of the picture a farewell scene is depicted between a young girl on the left handing out her hand to a boy standing opposite her. Both look at each other and seem to be walking towards each other with one step. The left figure; with short; wavy hair; is wearing a long chiton; above which is a coat; which she lifts with her left hand. The boy is clothed in a long cloak that reveals his chest. The not very differentiated execution of the relief suggests a representation of the details by painting. Moreover; the relief was already reworked in antiquity. The contours of a larger figure; probably completely occupying the free relief ground; can be seen in front of and above the boy. The uneven geison is also a result of this secondary use. The young woman had once pulled her coat over her head; as the depictions of other reliefs show. Here; too; there are clear traces of the working-off at the seam of the cloak in the neck.

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