Altarpiece with the Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saint Jerome and Saint Nicholas of Myra Altarpiece with the Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saint Jerome and Saint Nicholas of Myra Retable with Mary with child between Hieronymus and Nicholas of Myra; Sitting on a throne with arched back; part of a wall divided in two by a horizontal frame Maria with the legs slightly to the right and the head slightly to the left. She holds the naked child sitting on her lap by an arm and a leg. He points his finger at his mouth and has an apple in his left hand. Hieronymus stands on the left leg and with the right bent to the left of the throne. He has turned slightly to Mary and has fixed her eyes on her. He holds a stone against the bare chest with his right hand and holds up the cloak turned to the right with his left. The cardinal's hat hangs on his left arm; and the lion lies on his feet. To the right of Maria is St. Nicholas; also slightly turned toward her and looking ahead. In the right one he has the curving rod and in the left one; with which he holds up his choir hood; also a book; at his feet the three golden balls. Mary wears a veil and a cloak that is closed under the neck and hangs over the left arm and knocks to the right over the knees; so that her robe can only be seen in a few places. Hieronymus wears a cloak over his girdle; camel-haired cloth; which hangs from the left shoulder; runs behind it and strikes to the right. St. Nicholas with a miter and gloves with gems on it; wears a choir hood over the choir shirt; which has an agrafe on the chest. The predella with at the top a protruding egg list and at the bottom of such a list with leaf motif is divided into five fields by balusters. In the middle field; between two rock walls; Christ's grave is depicted; in which he; showing his wounds; stands with his arms spread. Next to the tomb are a lance and a cane with sponge. In the left field; in profile; Hieronymus kneels in a rocky landscape in front of a

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