Dish with the Expulsion from Paradise Dish with the sacrifice of Kain and Abel and the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise; Round dish of multicolored painted majolica with the sacrifice of Kain and Abel the Expulsion of Adam and Eva from paradise. Paradise is represented as a walled garden. Adam and Eve walk on the wall; who are sent out of paradise by a flying angel. Adam and Eve lie on the floor within the wall; with their first-born son Cain among them. Adam and Eve have as attributes and hoe and a coil; symbols for physical labor. Kain looks in the mirror of self-knowledge while the body of his murdered brother Abel is burning in front of him. A lamb's head sticks out of the sea of fire as a symbol of God's sacrifice; Christ; that will redeem man. There is also an angel floating by the fire holding a banderole on which an unreadable text is written; expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise (Genesis 3: 22-24); altar; Jewish religion; anonymous; c. 1535 - c. 1545; earthenware; tin glaze; lead glaze; h 5.6 cm x d 48.8 cm

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