Tazza (footed drinking cup) with Jupiter and Io; Drinking bowl on foot with Jupiter and Io; The flat bowl is carried by a Triton; seated on a turtle. A low relief has been driven on the tray with the depiction of Jupiter and Io; his beloved; who was turned into a cow by Juno (see below). On the other side of the border is engraved: 'An den Meister Hans Wolff Schonal; Die Lutrische Kirch verehrt hat; ways of the organ wohlmacht; that schael zum gutten thought'. Furthermore; the weapons and names of: 'Hans Jacob Behr; Conrad Hoppe; Jan Hoffgen; Hans Conrad Brechtel; Otho von Langen; Christian Eyckmeyer; Andreas Pfennieg.' Hereby: 'Elders and Diacons in' s-Gravenhaag 1649 '; tortoises; turtles; triton (s); Io changed into a cow: to avoid detection by Juno; Jupiter changes Io into a cow (Ovid; Metamorphoses I 611); Adam van Vianen (I); Utrecht; 1613; silver (metal); h 12.8 cm x d 19.8 cm

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