Tuscany; Siena; Metropolitain Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption: dome of 1263 with lantern of 1667 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and part of the bell tower (Campanile) of 1313; Siena Cathedral (Italian: Cattedrale metropolitana di Santa Maria Assunta; also: Duomo di Siena) was built c. 1220 AD - c. 1370 AD on much older structures. Architecture styles were Romanesque and Italian Gothic style. The 77 m high Campanile (bell tower) was finished; in 1313. The main facade (west front) of the cathedral can be devided into a lower and an upper part. The lower part was realized 1284 - 1297 by Giovanni Pisano (c. 1248 - c. 1315). It consists of three portals with gables (Italian: Ghimberge) and lunettes and has a pillar on each side. On top; there are statues representing angels and the Holy Virgin. As well; Giovanni Pisano created 14 statues representing prophets; patriarchs; philosophers and prophetesses: eight on the facade and three on each pillar side. On the facade; there are from left to right philosopher Plato; prophet Habakkuk; a sibyl; King David; King Solomon; Moses; and Sirach (Yeshua ben Sira). The upper part of the main facade was realized 1299 - 1317 by Camaino di Crescentino (c. 1260 - 1338); father of Tino di Camaino).

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