5942356 Autograph letter signed (\'Th. Fontane\') to \'Herr Doctor\' [Ernst Kossak], Berlin, 16 February 1864 (pen & ink on paper) by Fontane, Theodor (1819-98); Private Collection; (add.info.: \'I HAVE DONE WHAT I COULD\'. Fontane writes a word of thanks for a favourable notice [of the second volume of his Wanderungen] in the \'Berliner Montagspost, \'Aller Anerkennung thut wohl\', thanking Kossak in particular for his fairness of tone, noting that Adolf Stahr had accused him of \'a certain servility\'. Regarding the Wanderungen, Fontane explains that he is writing it to promote an idea of conservatism that has become lost, especially in Berlin: \'Speziell unsrer guten Stadt Berlin ist die Vorstellung abhanden gekommen, da? Beschr盲nkung, Disciplin, das freimuthige Bekenntni? des Nicht-wissens und viele andern kleinen Tugenden derart auch Tugenden sind\'. If he writes more of the aristocracy than of the bourgeoisie, he cannot help it: \'Ich kann nicht ... die Geschichte, speziell die Geschichte unsrer Provinz auf den Kopf stellen. Wir haben -- man denke nun klein oder gro? von ihm -- doch immer einen Adel gehabt\'. Once the bourgeoisie of Berlin has developed \'future Fontanes will have an easier time of it. I have done what I could\'.); Photo by Christie\'s Images.

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