LRI4596570 Verdun Altar: the crossing the Red Sea, King Melchizedek, the baptism of Christ, the arrival in Jerusalem, the last supper, the flood and Noah\'s Ark, 12th century (enamel on gilded copper) by Nicholas of Verdun (fl.1181-1205); Klosterneuburg Monastery, Austria; ( Verdun Altar made in gold and enamel by Nicolas de Verdun (ca.1130/50-1205): scenes from the Old and New Testament (crossing the Red Sea, King Melchisedech (Melchisedec or Melchizedek or Melkisedeq or Melki-Tsedeq or Melki Tsedeq), the baptism of Christ, the arrival to Jerusalem, the cene, the deluge and the ark of Noe). 12th century Klosterneuburg Vienna, Austria - Verdun Altar (center part) enamel on gilded copper, by Nicolas de Verdun (ca.1130/50-1205): Old and New Testament scenes (crossing the Red Sea, King Melchizedek (Melchisedec or Melchisedech or Melkisedeq or Melki- Tsedeq or Melki Tsedeq), the baptism Jerk of Christ, the arrival in Jerusalem, the cene, the flood and Noah\'s Ark). 12th century. Klosterneuburg, Vienna, Austria); Luisa Ricciarini; Netherlandish, out of copyright.

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