XEE4185059 Hitler before the Munich Court of Appeal: Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) quotes as a witness in a press trial by the German journalist Werner Abel makes a theatrical statement and blurred. He attacked the opponent, the lawyer, the judges and was finally fined 1000 marks. Front page engraving of ??????The illustrious of the small newspaper?????? 1932. Collection privee - Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) testifying as a witness in the Trial of German journalist Werner Abel, After theatrically insulting the opposition, his lawyer and the judge, he is finally charged with a 1000 mark fine, Frontpage of French newspaper Lillustre du petit journal, 1932, Private Collection by Anonymous; Private Collection; (add.info.: Hitler before the Munich Court of Appeal: Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) quotes as a witness in a press trial by the German journalist Werner Abel makes a theatrical statement and blurred. He attacked the opponent, the lawyer, the judges and was finally fined 1000 marks. Front page engraving of ??????The illustrious of the small newspaper?????? 1932. Collection privee - Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) testifying as a witness in the Trial of German journalist Werner Abel, After theatrically insulting the opposition, his lawyer and the judge, he is finally charged with a 1000 mark fine, Frontpage of French newspaper Lillustre du petit journal, 1932, Private Collection); Stefano Bianchetti.

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