PCT4297748 The great comet of October 1528 describes and thus figured by Ambroise Pare in his ???ook of Monsters and Wonders??????(1573): ???he elders have left us by escrit that the face of Heaven has been so many times defigured of bearded Comettes, hair, torches, torches, coulonnes, spears, shields, battle of nukes, dragons, duplication of Moons & Suns, & other things... This Comette is so horrible and unbearable, that it provoked so great terror to the vulgar that none of them died of fear. The others got sick. This strange Comette lasted an hour & a quarter, and commended to perform from the coste of the rising sun, then fired towards the midnight. It appears to be of excessive length, and if it is of blood color. At the top of this one sees the figure of a curved arm, holding a great espee in the hand as if he had wanted to strike. At the end of the tip there were three estoiles. But the one that is right on the tip, is clearer and brighter than the others. At both sides of this comet\'s rays, he sees himself a great number of axes, cousteals, espees, bloodshed, parmy which there were many hideous human faces with beards, and hair hairise, as seen by this figure.??Ambroise Pare reproduces in reality a description and an engraving published in 1560 by Pierre Boaistuau (or Pierre Launay) in his ???istoires prodigieuses?? copying those published in 1557 by Conradus Lycosthenes (in fact the German erudit Conrad Wolfhart), who draws these elements from a book published the same year by astrologer Peter Zer- celestial prodigy, sword, mysterious star, mystery, meteore -; (add.info.: The great comet of October 1528 describes and thus figured by Ambroise Pare in his ???ook of Monsters and Wonders??????(1573): ???he elders have left us by escrit that the face of Heaven has been so many times defigured of bearded Comettes, hair, torches, torches, coulonnes, spears, shields, battle of nukes, dragons, duplication of Moons & Suns, & other things... This Comette is so horrible and unbearable, that it provoked so great terror to the vulgar that none of them died of fear. The others got sick. This strange Comette lasted an hour & a quarter, and commended to perform from the coste of the rising sun, then fired towards the midnight. It appears to be of excessive length, and if it is of blood color. At the top of this one sees the figure of a curved arm, holding a great espee in the hand as if he had wanted to strike. At the end of the tip there were three estoiles. But the one that is right on the tip, is clearer and brighter than the others. At both sides of this comet\'s rays, he sees himself a great number of axes, cousteals, espees, bloodshed, parmy which there were many hideous human faces with beards, and hair hairise, as seen by this figure.??Ambroise Pare reproduces in reality a description and an engraving published in 1560 by Pierre Boaistuau (or Pierre Launay) in his ???istoires prodigieuses?? copying those published in 1557 by Conradus Lycosthenes (in fact the German erudit Conrad Wolfhart), who draws these elements from a book published the same year by astrologer Peter Zer- celestial prodigy, sword, mysterious star, mystery, meteore -); by Patrice Cartier.

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