XEE4162686 One hundred years war: ??????The dolphin Charles (then Charles V) (1338-1380) (the first dolphin of France) and Etienne Marcel (1302/1310-1358) who murdered two ministers (marechaux) Robert de Clermont and Jean de Conflans in the room of the French dolphin at the Palais de la Cite during the Parisian Emutes Day at 22/02/1358??(???he Dauphin Charles ( later Charles V) (1338-1380) (first Dauphin of France) and Etienne Marcel (1302/1310-1358) who murdered two ministers (marshals) Robert de Clermont and Jean de Conflans in the room of the Dauphin of France during the day of riots in Paris 22nd february 1358 ??????engraving after Melingue Lucien (1841-1889) by Melingue, Etienne Lucien (1841-89); Private Collection; (add.info.: One hundred years war: ??????The dolphin Charles (then Charles V) (1338-1380) (the first dolphin of France) and Etienne Marcel (1302/1310-1358) who murdered two ministers (marechaux) Robert de Clermont and Jean de Conflans in the room of the French dolphin at the Palais de la Cite during the Parisian Emutes Day at 22/02/1358??(???he Dauphin Charles (later Charles V) (1338-1380) (first Dauphin of France) and Etienne Marcel (1302/1310-1358) who murdered two ministers (marshals) Robert de Clermont and Jean de Conflans in the room of the Dauphin of France during the day of riots in Paris 22nd february 1358 ??????engraving after Melingue Lucien (1841-1889)); Stefano Bianchetti; French, out of copyright.

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