3060376 Dom Juan, 1897 (oil on canvas) by Stepanov, Klavdi Petrovich (1854-1910); Private Collection; (add.info.: Dom Juan or The Feast with the Statue (French: Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre) is a French play, a comedy in five acts, written by Moli癡re in 1665, and based on the legend of Don Juan (Spanish), Don Giovanni (Italian) a legendary, fictional libertine. The first written version of the Don Juan legend was by the Spanish dramatist Tirso de Molina, in his play, El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra (The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest) 1615. Moli癡re\'s Dom Juan clearly states that he is an atheist, but the Don Juan of Tirso de Molina\'s original play is a Catholic who believes that he can repent of his evil deeds many years later before he dies. However, his death comes sooner than expected and he finds that his attempts to repent and confess his sins are ineffective); Photo 穢 Fine Art Images; Russian, out of copyright.

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