694999 Martyrdom of Jews on the wheel, from the "History of the Christian child murdered at Trent", published in Trent by Albertus Kune, 1475 (woodcut) by German School, (15th century); Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France; (add.info.: When a three year old Christian boy, Simonino, later known as Simon (or Simeon) of Trent, disappeared in 1475 on Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday, the city\'s small Jewish community was accused of killing him in an act of ritual murder, draining his blood for Jewish ritual purposes. Eight Jews were tortured and burned, and their families forced to convert to Christianity; within 6 months of the boy\'s death, the bishop of Trent, Johannes Hinderbach, published the first book printed in Trent, "Story of a Christian Child Murdered at Trent," illustrated with 12 woodcuts, the prototypes of the many subsequent depictions of this story; in 1588, Pope Sixtus V declared the boy a saint; in 1965, after the Second Vatican Council, Simon of Trent was removed from the calendar of saints of the Roman Catholic Church; Holzschnitt aus: Geschichte des zu Trient ermordeten Christenkindes; ).

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