480778 Circe (The Sorceress) 1911 (oil on canvas) by Waterhouse, John William (1849-1917); 76x110.5 cm; Private Collection; (add.info.: Circe was the daughter of Helios the sun god and was an immensely powerful witch who lived on the Island of Aeaea. She was described by various classical writers, most notably Homer who called her a goddess. In all the legends she is described transforming her enemies, or those who refused her love, into animals, birds or monsters. Homer described how many of Circe??? victims, turned into wolves or lions, prowled about the stone-built house in which she lived and where she worked on a huge loom. These animals were never dangerous, but rather fawned on all visitors. When Odysseus came to Aeaea his men were immediately turned into swine. Fortunately Odysseus had learnt from Hermes how to overcome Circe??? magic by making her swear, while under the influence of a herbal drug, not to harm him. Odysseus spent a year with Circe and was her lover. She returned his men to him and when he left her she advised him on the next stage of his journey into the realm of Hades where he was to consult the spirits of the dead. ); Photo 穢 Peter Nahum at The Leicester Galleries, London; English, out of copyright.

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