CHT163104 Map of Paris c.1540, known as the \'Plan de la Tapisserie\', made as a tapestry c.1571, 1818 (colour engraving) by Naudet, Caroline (1775-1839); Bibliotheque Historique de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France; ( Together with the map of Sebastian M羹nster and the \'Plan de la Gouache\', this is one of the oldest plans of Paris. The original map was woven as a tapestry c.1571 for Cardinal Charles de Bourbon (1523-90). In 1571 he was made Lieutenant-General of Paris and Ile de France and his heraldic arms are displayed here. Later the tapestry passed to the Guise family and was kept at the H繫tel de Clisson. The tapestry disappeared during the French Revolution but a copy had been made for the French antiquary, Fran癟ois de Gaigni癡res (1642-1715) 矇cuyer (equerry) to Louis Joseph, duke of Guise (1650-71). This map shows Paris after the beginning of the dismantling in 1533 (on the orders of Fran癟ois Premier) of the inner Right Bank Enceinte (city wall) of Philippe II Auguste but the sections near the Louvre and in the 3rd and 4th Arrondissements are clearly visible on the map.); 穢 Archives Charmet; French, out of copyright.

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